During my parenting journey, I had to let go of what my child isn’t and choose to embrace the fantastic and amazing person that he is- challenges and all.
The Tripp Family
Thomas is a delightful and challenging child. At age 3 it became obvious that he had some serious behavioral problems and developmental delays. We followed the advice of his doctors and started therapy for the developmental delays, hoping it would help his behavior. It didn’t. Eventually we found our way to Tuesday’s Child.
I was skeptical that Tuesday’s Child could help us. Thomas was so out of control, he had been kicked out of preschool and was not welcome at swim class anymore. He was in all the therapies the doctor recommended. Why would this help him when everything else did not? Tuesday’s child helped because it was different.
The Guadarrama/Lagunas Family
My daughter had a behavioral problem. If she didn’t want to do something, she didn’t do it. I didn’t know what to do. She gave me a lot of problems and I couldn’t get along with her. The principal of
The Frank Family
“The pediatrician said his tantrums were normal but it didn’t feel good. The whole house felt unhappy. I wish I’d called for help even earlier than I did. I didn’t feel like I was in charge anymore. I was always waiting
The Williams Family
Kenny had challenges in school. He was aggressive with other children when he didn’t get his way. His teachers didn’t understand what was going on. He was attending an excellent school, but sometimes even the best schools need assistance. It