The Friendship Club is a series of Social Skills Groups for children age 5-8. Kids will become social detectives as they work on skills related to emotions, friendships, and appropriate behaviors. Groups are open to all but Tuesday’s Child alumni have priority.
Saturdays April 13 – May 18th
Ages 5 – 6: 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Ages 7 – 8: 10:15 – 11:15 AM
Ages 5 – 6: 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Ages 7 – 8: 10:15 – 11:15 AM
Concepts covered in the curriculum:
- Social Smarts: The type of “smarts” in our brains that we use whenever we are around other people. Social smarts help our brains to know that others are having thoughts about us and we are having thoughts about them. We use social smarts in school, at home, and EVERYWHERE!
- School Smarts: Different types of “smarts” in our brains that we use for school learning.
- Body in the group: Your body is in the group if others feel you are part of the group.
- Brain in the group: Your brain is in the group when others feel that you are paying attention to what is happening in the group.
- Thinking with your eyes: This means that you are using your eyes to look at a person and it makes them feel that you are thinking about what they are saying or doing.
Groups will be led by Katie Conklin, M. Ed., LPC, Program Director at Tuesday’s Child and supervised by Meg Kincaid, Ph.D. The program is based on the SuperFlex curriculum developed by Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC-SLP.
The Friendship Club – Next Session Starts April 13th.